Even if they may feel like it on certain days, teachers aren’t actual superheroes. Though they may feel as though they can defy time and display unlimited energy, unfortunately their battery eventually runs dry. Not before emptying it for the sake of their students, though. Teachers truly do display some of the most selfless patience in the world but will rarely feel like they have enough time to offer themselves the same compassion. Their schedule and to-do list will always be changing, making it hard to be able to dedicate routine time for themselves. This isn’t sustainable, as can be seen in this nation’s current teacher burnout rate. Maximizing minimal potential and free time is the key to practicing self-care meaningfully for teachers, allowing them to take control back of their life and establish a healthier work-life balance. For more information on the methods in which teachers are using in order to achieve this, please take a moment to review the infographic embedded alongside this post.
Teacher Self-Care 101
In Love
Not Sure