
Tips to Prepare for ICSE Class 10 Social Science Exam

Social Science is a vast subject as it comprises Geography, History and Civics. Students find this subject boring and tough because of the difficulty in memorising dates, events etc. Due to this, most of the students do not give much attention to this subject and end up scoring low marks. So, to help students make their exam preparation simpler, we have provided a few tips to prepare for the ICSE Social Science exam.

ICSE Class 10 Social Science Paper Pattern

The ICSE Class 10 Social Science exam consists of 2 papers, as mentioned below:

  • Paper 1 – History and Civics
  • Paper 2 – Geography

Each of these papers carries 80 marks. The time allocated for each paper is 2 hours. The History and Civics paper consist of two parts in which part 1 is of 30 marks, and part 2 is of 50 marks. Similarly, the Geography paper is also of 2 parts, i.e.; part 1 comprises 30 marks and part 2 comprises 50 marks.

Tips for Social Science Exam Preparation

1) Complete the Entire Syllabus

Students must ensure that they complete all the topics which are mentioned in the syllabus. They should study these topics thoroughly and try to understand them instead of mugging them up. The History part consists of past events and processes, and Civics covers the study of government with attention to the role of citizens. Students need to understand the complete story behind the events so that they can write the answers in their own words during the exam. In Geography, one question based on the map is definitely asked in the exam. So, it’s advised to students to go through all the questions related to maps given in the textbook and practice them well. Also, they can solve the map-based questions which have been already asked in the exam from the ICSE Class 10 Geography Question Papers. Doing so will give an idea of how the questions are framed in the exams.

2) Know the Exam Pattern

After completing the syllabus, students must check the exam pattern. The exam pattern provides various important details to students such as no. of questions asked from each section, its weightage, marks allocated to each question, total time duration of exam etc. So, knowing the exam pattern will help students in making a strategy for the exam.

3) Solve the Sample Papers and Question Papers

Solving the sample papers before the board exams are very crucial. Practicing the past years’ question papers will help students in understanding their current level of exam preparation. By solving ICSE Class 10 History & Civics Question Papers, they can analyse how much time they are taking in answering the questions. Will they be able to solve the complete paper on time or they need to increase their speed. Similarly, they can do Geography.

4) Analyse the Weak Areas and Work on Them

After solving the sample papers and previous years question papers, students must have got to know where they are making the mistakes. By analysing those mistakes, they can improve their performance in the final board exam. Also, they get to know their strength and weakness. So, they can put extra effort into weak areas and improve their score.

5) Revise from Your Notes

Students should stop studying anything new a few days before the board exams. They must focus on the topics which they have studied till now and revise them from their notes. Studying from their own notes will help students in recalling the topics fastly.

We hope after implementing these tips, students will be able to score high marks and pass the exam with flying colours.

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