
What is Compliance and Why is it Important in Education?

We usually associate compliance with the business world and data security. Read this article to find out how it is also relevant in the world of education.

The need for compliance in all areas of our lives has turned it into a huge business. No matter what area of work your career is in, without compliance with the local laws, you risk closure. If we fall out with the regulations in our industry, officials have the right to close us down. Obviously, non-compliance can carry big fines and can even close you down. We associate this risk with the business world, but the risk extends to all sectors of industry, especially education.

What is Compliance?

Compliance is the act of making sure your actions are in line with the laws, guidelines, and regulations, of any officiating bodies. When applied to data security, firms storing information on consumers that visit their websites need to make sure they are in GDPR compliance. When applied to the education sector, compliance means ensuring you follow the government laws, the school’s procedures, the local council, and department of education’s requirements, and so on.

Why is Compliance Important in Education?

Making sure you are following all of the rules, guidelines, and requirements for your business is part of being a leader. Doing the same thing for your school is part of operating a successful organisation. Complying with the law means not breaking any regulations. Complying with regulatory frameworks means making sure you are never at risk of scandal or reputation damage. Following guidelines even in small things like coursework can help protect your reputation and increase your scores with targets set out by the governing bodies.

If you want to work in a school with high standards in education, regulatory compliance is the key way to do so. But how do you ensure compliance in your educational facility?

How do you Ensure compliance in Your School?

There are good practise examples of how you can ensure regulatory compliance in your school. You can undergo Staff Compliance Training to train the entire body of teachers how to remain in compliance. You can also teach one or two individuals and appoint them as the ones responsible for filing paperwork and checking new course material. Whether you leave it up to your teachers or your head teachers is up to you, as long as the work gets done.

What are the Risks of Non-Compliance in Schools?

If you decide to ignore the rules and regulations as set out by the department of education and your local governing body, you risk closure. A school that falls short on meeting targets and fulfilling duties of care could fall below the rules for school standards. The UK government routinely inspects schools and if your independent school fails compliance checks, the Secretary of State of Education will judge your facility ‘inadequate’. Inadequate schools go on to become sponsored academies and remain in a supported state until the grades and markers improve.

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